Monday, December 9, 2013

Lafayette: Library: Jefferson Street

Lafayette library, temporary Jefferson Street branch, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Paintings above are the work of Logan Berard.

Lafayette has one of the most charming downtowns I've ever seen. Despite being very compact, it packs in two museums, an arts center, a branch of the library, and the usual assortment of restaurants, clubs, and shopping opportunities. Pictures to come eventually.

The Lafayette Public Library System has a number of branches. The original main library is undergoing a massive renovation, and there's a temporary branch on downtown Jefferson Street to stand in during this time.

Lafayette library, temporary Jefferson Street branch, Lafayette, Louisiana.

I loved the basement-y, coffeehouse vibe at this branch.

It only took four staff (on site and over the phone) to give me permission to take these photos.

Lafayette library, temporary Jefferson Street branch, Lafayette, Louisiana.

(In Caucasus Georgia, the first person I asked would have spread his arms wide and said, "Of courrrrrrrrrrrrrse, why would you not take photos?!" But that is a country where complete strangers will come up to you and ask if you want to take a picture of them - with your camera - that they will never see! ... and why would you not?)

(In New Mexico, the first person I asked would have shrugged and said, "Sure.")

A congenial space. Slow wifi, though.

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