Monday, January 20, 2014

Lafayette: 2nd Saturday Artwalk: January 2014: Whoojoo

At the January 2nd Saturday Artwalk, my friend and I stopped in at the Whoojoo Stained Glass Studio.

Whoojoo is the childhood nickname of artist Craig McCullen, whose studio is, I guess, exactly what a studio is in the classic sense - it's a work space and an exhibit space.   

Work in progress, Whoojoo Stained Glass Studio, Lafayette, Louisiana

Above and below: I liked the squiggly, straight, and curved lines on one of his work tables. 

Work in progress, Whoojoo Stained Glass Studio, Lafayette, Louisiana

Some end results here:

Whoojoo and Miró. Credit: Craig McCullen

Dangle the Lure. Credit: Craig McCullen

Below is a video in which he talks about the history of some of his work:

Hey, there's a woman behind there! And maybe a fish. And an owl.

Whoojoo and Miró. Credit: Craig McCullen

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