Sunday, March 4, 2012

Letters from Matt #5: Wassenaar, Netherlands: I Am Christopher Robin

Letters From Matt are letters from my brother, Matt, from various of his domestic and international travels. The letters span decades, and I share them on Living Rootless at intervals, in no particular order.

15 July 1998
Wassenaar, Netherlands

Dear Family,

At the moment, I’m back in Wassenar. This place is fantastically pleasant. It’s so quiet, cool, and green here. Bicycles glide effortlessly along smooth bike paths, crossing arched bridges across still, black canal waters speckled green with duckweed.

The trails take you forever through ancient woods to hidden meadows and secluded ponds with cattails on one end, two boys fishing on the other end. Onward through the woods, an elderly couple stroll arm in arm, slowly, quietly.

I come upon a velvety green meadow. No one but me. The sun comes out. The air is cool yet the sun feels warm on my skin. Burying my face in the grass the smell of warm wet grass brings a flood of childhood imagery in the backyard of Bradley Road or the lawns of our house in Middle Bass or Sudden Valley. Brother #1 says he wishes you could see it. I think it’s great medicine.

I think I’m Christopher Robin.



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