Monday, August 15, 2011

Rustavi: Tiny Church

The night "Gia" took me and my hostess to dinner, we visited a tiny church in Rustavi.

An Abkhazian couple, now residents of Rustavi, constructed this tiny church, named for St. Giorgi. It is exquisite. So is the little paradise garden where it sits. So is the small haven they also created, with pool and fountains that is across the alley. (The pool has a resident turtle and small fish.) The couple welcome any who wish to enter the church or gardens to enjoy their beauty and serenity.

I returned a few days later so I could see it during the daytime. Tia and her daughter, Nino, accompanied me. How lucky I felt to encounter the woman who, along with her husband, built this tiny church. Her photo is at the bottom.

The woman on the far right, along with her husband, constructed the church and garden. 

Little gems like this church and garden are examples of why Rustavi is growing on me. Rustavi residents like to say that the city perhaps isn't so beautiful, but its people have heart.

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