Saturday, November 6, 2010

Progress report: Stuff divestment - Did I make the deadline?

Monday, November 1:

  • Bath towel - now cut up for good rags by my mother
  • Scanned/uploaded/shredded contents of a business file

Tuesday, November 2:
  • Scanned and uploaded previously framed photos; then put in envelope to give to daughter; 
  • Scanned and uploaded some vital documents, then sent the originals to a family member; 
  • Folded my house supply of OTC aspirin, etc. into my mother's cache (and disposed of her five-year old ibuprofen); 
  • Distributed the last of handyman-type things, e.g. masking tape, duct tape, caulk, etc. to siblings - or pitched the unwanted;
  • Scanned, but then destroyed, some very old recollections about adolescent friends - they served no one any good by keeping them; 
  • Socks - threw some out; donated some; kept some
  • Out with the old toiletry bag; in with a new
  • Donated blow dryer
It amazes me how interminably tedious it is to divest myself of the most mundane things.

Wednesday, November 3:
  • Completed the scanning and uploading of the balance of documents that comprises my little histoire du moi, and handed off the binder of hard-copies to my daughter - I feel very good about finishing that task! Plus, she now has the dubious privilege of storing things like my high school and college diplomas, while I float unencumbered. 
  • Friend Kate kindly accepted an old pair of scissors that she will use in her garden
  • It's getting ugly: I left a gigantic box of Q-tips in friend Pam's guest room - call it guerrilla stuff divestment

Thursday, November 4, through Saturday, November 7: 

  • Donated tapestries from Ecuador and Peru to the local charity thrift store + more clothing;
  • Ditto for the almost-new blender ... and it shattered into pieces when the bag broke as I transferred it to the hands of the thrift-store volunteer .... another great lesson in ... something or another about life;
  • Scanned and uploaded my laptop and voice recorder receipts, then tore up the originals 

Did I make my deadline? No. Here's how it ended up. 

  • My camping gear is stacked neatly in a small area in my mother's garage. 
  • With the exception of my car, all of my worldly goods are in my mother's small guest closet. The door closes easily, and there's even some of her stuff in there. 
  • The good news is: With the exception of what to do with seasonal-type clothes, I could well achieve my goal of getting all of my stuff into a suitcase and a backpack. Maybe. Stay tuned.

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